How Customer Centricity Is a Revolutionary Approach to Transform Your Business

Businesses today have realized (and rightly so) to emphasize devising strategies that revolve around their customers. In other words, putting customers and their interests first is a way forward for companies in this digital age.

There was a time when marketing used to be a one way communication and businesses were dictating the terms. Today, however, it is customer who is firmly sitting in the driving seat and making informed decisions regarding what to purchase and whom to engage with. Part of the reason for this unprecedented age of customer is technology-driven change along with an explosion of open and online engagement. Companies are now constantly being scrutinized by consumers in order to ensure not just better quality of products or services, but better experience as well. Suffice it to say, the balance of power has comprehensively shifted toward customers.

Customer centricity, therefore, has become the central focus of any company. It’s a way of doing business that provides a positive customer experience before and after the sale with a clear vision, exceptional strategy, and powerful execution. It includes offering greater personalization, better communication, nurturing relationships, and high-valued connected experiences across channels.

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Social Media Marketing Strategy – 9 best ways to enhance your business

Why social media marketing strategy?

Today, more than ever in history, social media platforms have become the principal source of information surpassing print and other media platforms. Further, the current COVID 19 pandemic has acted as an impetus to the ever increasing adoption of social media.

More and more people are staying up to date through Twitter, Facebook, Linked In, and Instagram. As the enterprises over the world are grappling with decreasing profits and staff well being, a social media marketing strategy will be the key. Why? Because with restricted movement, social distancing more consumers now are active online. A report from Data Report shows how the use of social media has increased by 51% during this pandemic.

Alt-text: The use of social media across the world during the COVID 19 pandemic.

To survive this change, your business must have a different approach to maintain its customer base.

How to improve social media marketing strategy for business?

The biggest impact of social media on marketing strategy is that it gives the power to reach the targeted audience and stay engaged with them. Increased website traffic, brand awareness, brand loyalty, higher sales, etc. are some of the other impacts of social media on the marketing strategy of a brand. You can leverage these benefits and achieve your business goals with the following social media marketing strategy.

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How to Get the Most Out of Your Website Development Budget

If you’re about to embark on a website development project, knowing how much it will cost and what steps you can take to ensure your budget is used efficiently is essential. Here are some tips on how to make the most of your budget.

Tell your development company precisely what you want, and don’t have a problem saying no.

When you’re ready to start the development process, it’s vital that you’re as clear about what you want as possible. You should know precisely how your website will be used and where it fits your overall business strategy. Your company probably already has a pretty good idea of its target audience, but if not, now’s the time to figure it out.

For example, security is one of the most important aspects of a website. If your company sells sensitive products or services, it’s crucial to have that factored into the design process. You don’t want to end up with a beautiful site that’s easy for everyone to access, only to lose sensitive customer data because you didn’t protect your site against the log4j vulnerability.

The more specific you can be with your web design team from the start of this process, the less costly it will be later on down the road when changes need to be made, or new features are required. A lack of detail can lead to wasted hours spent backtracking and rethinking decisions that could have been avoided by having more precise expectations at the beginning of development (or even during initial discussions).

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5 Social Media Marketing Tips to Level Up Your Audience Engagement Rate

Successful social media marketing requires more than gaining a massive following. 

After all, what good are hundreds of followers if you can’t engage them effectively and, in turn, encourage them to act on your offers and buy from you? 

The solution? Develop a winning social media audience engagement strategy that helps you turn followers into paying customers. 

Start your efforts to boost audience engagement with these five social media marketing hacks. 

1. Stick to a posting schedule

Posting content regularly on a consistent schedule can help you maintain a solid online presence across your social channels.

With a regular schedule, you can continuously churn out interesting and compelling content that keeps your audience engaged. 

However, content creation and distribution can take a toll on your time and energy since it involves many things, from researching your audience to following tried and true content writing tips

The key is to develop the most efficient way to post and share content across your social media marketing channels. 

One solution is to use reliable tools with automation features. The right tools can make posting and sharing content more organized, streamlined, and stress-free.

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Selecting Career Paths in IT

IT is a vast field and has a lot of career paths to choose from. There are always so many terminologies making headlines on the podcasts, TVs, and so on i.e., what is blockchain? Who is a solutions architect? And so on.

In this post, I will try to demystify the job roles and associated terminologies to help people seek out a path for themselves when entering the IT job market.

Some Background

Forbes includes IT as the second growing industry. Most of the time the projects help the end-users save cost or improve efficiency. When most of the projects are meant to be used by the end-users, they are built based on some requirements. These requirements are acquired from the stakeholders. Next, the project is assessed. This assessment includes translating the business requirements into a technology product. This is where the code and coding come in. After coding, the product is tested against the accepted business requirements to ensure that it meets the business requirements and expectations. Finally, the product is then released to the users for testing and then released for live usage. This is where DevOps comes into play. It is a relatively new field. Applications are now delivered using cloud technologies, so Cloud-native DevOps is a whole field dedicated to it. Sometimes the product needs marketing where a whole new field has begun. I will go on it later.

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