If you’re about to embark on a website development project, knowing how much it will cost and what steps you can take to ensure your budget is used efficiently is essential. Here are some tips on how to make the most of your budget.
Tell your development company precisely what you want, and don’t have a problem saying no.
When you’re ready to start the development process, it’s vital that you’re as clear about what you want as possible. You should know precisely how your website will be used and where it fits your overall business strategy. Your company probably already has a pretty good idea of its target audience, but if not, now’s the time to figure it out.
For example, security is one of the most important aspects of a website. If your company sells sensitive products or services, it’s crucial to have that factored into the design process. You don’t want to end up with a beautiful site that’s easy for everyone to access, only to lose sensitive customer data because you didn’t protect your site against the log4j vulnerability.
The more specific you can be with your web design team from the start of this process, the less costly it will be later on down the road when changes need to be made, or new features are required. A lack of detail can lead to wasted hours spent backtracking and rethinking decisions that could have been avoided by having more precise expectations at the beginning of development (or even during initial discussions).
Test your website thoroughly before it launches.
There are many different ways to test your website, but some of the best include:
- Testing on different browsers. For example, if you’re using Chrome as your primary browser, it’s a good idea to test your website on Safari and Firefox as well. These browsers all have slightly different layouts and features that can affect how people interact with your site or app.
- Testing on different devices. Make sure you know what kinds of devices people will be visiting when they land on your page and test accordingly by using an emulator or setting up multiple computers to simulate various kinds of hardware (e.g., Android phone vs. iPad). This is especially important if you’re building an app that users will access through their mobile phones; most websites look great on mobile devices these days, but certain functions may not be available or may require additional steps for users to complete purchases or other tasks that involve filling out forms or entering information into text boxes (which tend not to work well if they’re too small).
- Testing at locations with slow internet connections: If possible, try testing from locations where internet speeds are slower than average to ensure that everything works smoothly even when there aren’t any WiFi networks around – this way, everyone gets the same experience no matter what kind of connection speed they might be using at home!
Make sure your website’s backend is secure.
Make sure your website’s backend is secure. According to the 2018 State of Breach Report, one in every three websites have vulnerabilities that can lead to a data breach. If you use a third-party platform for eCommerce, ensure all payment information is stored on a secure server and encrypted through HTTPS. Also, change passwords regularly and use firewalls or malware protection if your site requires users to log in with their email addresses and password.
Consider the future of your website when choosing a platform.
When choosing a platform for your website, it’s essential to consider your business’s and website’s future. Your site will be around for years after its launch, so you’ll want to choose a platform that is easy to use now and in the future.
Not all platforms support multi-device compatibility out of the box. Some websites need to be redesigned entirely once users start using smartphones or tablets instead of desktops. This can lead to higher costs later to keep up with user expectations as mobile devices continue to evolve (the average mobile device currently supports between six and eight different operating systems).
Make sure all your copy is original and SEO optimized.
Words are powerful, especially when you’re trying to get people excited about your brand or product. When writing for the web, you must ensure each word counts. That means focusing on the right words and phrases to help bring traffic rather than wasting time with fluff or filler sentences.
For example, instead of saying, “We make high-quality products,” say, “Our products are made with the finest materials available” – this way, it sounds like you know what you’re talking about! Also, use keywords in your copy (think: search engine optimization) so that people who are looking for something specific will be able to find it when they search online as well as check grammar mistakes with Grammarly – which offers both free and paid plans on desktop computers as well as mobile apps for Android phones/tablets and iOS devices (e.g., iPhones).
We hope this article has helped you see some of the benefits of a well-funded, well-planned website development project. It’s our job as expert web developers to help businesses succeed online, and we’re always looking for ways to improve our services, so we’ve compiled this list of tips for success. We’d like to add one more: don’t be afraid if something doesn’t work out quite right once in a while! As long as you communicate clearly with your web developer throughout each process step, things will turn out fine (hopefully even better than expected).