Powerful Marketing Strategy for Drug Rehab Industry That Grow Business

Let me start with some reports on drug addicted peoples. As per the report of the UNODC, 29.5 million people globally suffer from the drug addiction in 2017 and it is growing every year. And as per the report of the WEBMD news, the alcohol kills 2.8 Million people globally each Year, to recover from the addictions, there are numbers of rehabilitation centres are worldwide that are helping to recover from addictions. The industry is booming as other industry too.

The marketing for the rehab centres are not an easy task, first, the people consider these as a drug, and they don’t know the motivation behind of rehab industry and don’t allow to implement marketing strategy, you need a result oriented strategy that target your valuable audiences to make their life better. Many organisations have used short-term marketing solutions to get leads like Google paid ads, but this is not an option now due to Google restrictions. You need to build an effective marketing plan to get more business leads.

Here is the most effective marketing strategy for addictions treatment centres that improve traffic, queries and build your brand awareness:

Word of Mouth Marketing

People always trust on the words what other people says, more than 80% people believe on the recommendations of the friends and family members. If someone spares positive feedback for your services then there are more chances to get traffic and leads. Another example of the word of mouth marketing is user-generated contents that created and shared by customers, the opinions and information about the services, which include:

  • Online reviews on review websites like Google business listings, Yelp and other review websites
  • Post on social media, testimonials from the clients or their family members on the website

Remember that one happy customer can give you ten new customers. You need to think how can you increase your brand’s visibility online and build trust. Improve your reviews, ratings, testimonials and brand awareness on social media too. Let’s cover the social media marketing strategy for drug rehab centres.

Social Media Marketing for Rehab Centres

Today when everyone is spending time on social media so we must use social media platforms to reach our targeted audience, social media marketing can no longer be ignored by addiction treatment centres, social media will help to build brand awareness and gather more and more feedback from the existing clients. You can ask your clients or their family members to share videos and feedback about your services on your social media channels. Even you can share informative contents to help people and aware them from the stages, recovery and treatments, also you have to be careful about what you share. You can create a brand page or addiction and recovery communities and help other struggling addicts, you can share your success stories, keep in touch with your existing or old clients. The primary use of social media is to meet people, build a relationship and improve brand awareness.

Create Quality Contents for you Audiences

Whatever your business goal of marketing, you need to create quality content for your targeted customers. You are targeting a drug industry and dealing with mental health and addicted peoples, so you need to create informative contents that they need most. Create hopes with your materials, help peoples with useful content, and share something they can implement to recover. You can create viral contents in the following formats:

  • Whitepapers, and Research
  • Videos and presentations
  • Infographics
  • How-To, step by step guide
  • Questions and answers formats
  • Blog post on your own website

If you are getting an issue with the content creation then you can consider content marketing agency to promote your drug addiction treatment centre and compose content for your brand.

Content Marketing

Creating useful contents is another thing but using in the right manner is most important. Once you have well-written content for promotion, you need an effective content marketing strategy to distribute your content over the internet and create buzz and awareness. Content marketing expert knows who’s the target audience for the content and where should be published. They use the variety of marketing channels to distribute your contents; channels can include other website blogs, news and PR websites, your website blog, social media platforms, YouTube and many more.

It’s essential for a content marketing strategy to know what we are creating, what kind of customer we are targeting, where it’s should be published, and when it’s going live. What you can do to get brand awareness:

  • Implement content marketing techniques for questions and answers websites like Quora and etc.. And answers the queries of people who are suffering and looking to get recover.
  • Join drug addiction related communities and participate and share informative information’s to build relationship and trust.
  • Share your treatment videos on video sharing and social media platforms
  • Share your client testimonials with peoples
  • Share your successful stories on social media, PR and other media channels
  • Ask top publications to publish your successful stories
  • Try to get an article published on the relevant industry and get backlinks
  • Participate on the latest news of addictions recovery and share your opinions
  • Organize a webinar and meet people face to face and answer their queries

There is much more to do to build brand awareness. A good content marketing company can help you to implement an effective marketing strategy to publish your content on the right time to target your audience.

Corporate Training:

The level of stress and mental issues are growing in the corporate words, so this will be a great idea to conduct a training section for drug rehab in multinational companies, MNC’s are most curious and care for their employees and they want to keep them happy. Many companies sponsor an employee Assistance Programs to link employees with addictions problems, treatments, resources and much more to make the workplace better. You can get permission and organise a free program that will improve your brand awareness among the peoples.

Due to the level of work stress, employees using drugs on a regular basis and this kind of steps will give an opportunity to go through your drug addiction treatment program might be their friends or family members are looking for. This can be a good opportunity to get some leads too. It may also save an employee’s life.

Local Business Optimisation

Without local SEO the marketing will not be completed and you are not going to get a good result, local search marketing will help your business on Google local searches. Make sure your Meta title and description promote your brand and must have local keywords within. And your business name, address, and phone number (NAP), which must be consistent. As per survey , 85% of customers use the internet to search for local services or business.

Get list your business on Google and other local business listing websites, get online reviews, use Schema Markup, get some backlinks for local citations, create local-based landing pages, post-on-site bogs, and local events so that you can improve the chances of local customers.


Birbahadur Singh Kathayat is an entrepreneur and online marketing consultant. He is founder of the online marketing company LBSWebsoft. He has 15 years of work experience in digital marketing and helping small business. He advises several startups and established companies in India and other countries. You can follow him online at Google+ or @bskathayat.

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