When you design a website the ultimate goal is CONVERSION. Conversion Rate Optimization or CRO is a common practice followed by successful marketers to convert visitors into customers.
Opposed to the common misconception that online marketing is very costly and only affordable by big entrepreneurs, CRO boost conversion rates without incurring large and impractical expenses.
Let us point out some barriers to CRO, how it can adversely affect the “selling potential” of your website and subtle ways in which it can be overcome:
1- Speed means Customer Satisfaction
Slow sites are a bad User Experience (UX). Period.
Impatient Users get irritated by a slow loading webpage.
Back in 2009, Google conducted a research which shows that slowing down a page by 100-400 milliseconds (less than half a second) reduced searches by 0.2%-0.6%. This might sound like a small number but it amounts to a loss of 14,400 searches, per minute! Furthermore if the website keeps up this trend for a considerable time, the users get detached with an accelerated pace.
According to a study by Strangeloop networks a mere 1 second delay can cause “16% decrease in UX, 11% fewer page views and 7% loss in conversion”.
But it is 2016 and times have changed substantially. With plethora of options available to users, page loading time has become more important than ever. Here is a graph which compares bounce rate with loading time of the page.
Nowadays people expect a website to load within 3.7 seconds. Typical Ecommerce websites take 4.9 seconds to become usable.
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