How to Write an Engaging and Most Appropriate SEO Article for Your Local Clients

Modern day content creation is considered as one of the most effective means to market businesses and reach the audiences. When relevant articles are written and SEO optimized, there are more chances for them to be found, while the engaging aspect of articles draws people towards them.

Are you frequently asking yourselves, what are the best types of content for local SEO and local clients?  Well, first of all, you need to know how to structure your article, how to make it presentable and how to engage your readers. Later, the content needs to be optimized for search engines.

On the outset, just before penning your thoughts down and structuring your research and study regarding any topic, you need to understand that your content should accomplish two goals – “appeal to the end user”, and “address a specific issue or problem”. Knowing this will help you create content that meets these goals.

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How to leverage Video to double your marketing ROI

The digital domain is a rapidly evolving marketplace. If you are using interesting text to attract users, it’s good. If you are using infographics, even better. But if you are NOT using Video Marketing, you need to make significant changes in your marketing strategy, right now!

Let us look at some statistics:

  • Video on landing page can increase conversion by 80% or more.
  • Companies using video marketing enjoy 41% more web traffic.
  • Video amounts for 55% of all mobile data traffic.
  • Video drives 157% more organic traffic from search engines
  • 4 times as many customers would rather watch a video than read about it.

Sources- Aberdeen, Visually, Brightcore, eMarketer

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Powerful Marketing Strategy for Drug Rehab Industry That Grow Business

Let me start with some reports on drug addicted peoples. As per the report of the UNODC, 29.5 million people globally suffer from the drug addiction in 2017 and it is growing every year. And as per the report of the WEBMD news, the alcohol kills 2.8 Million people globally each Year, to recover from the addictions, there are numbers of rehabilitation centres are worldwide that are helping to recover from addictions. The industry is booming as other industry too.

The marketing for the rehab centres are not an easy task, first, the people consider these as a drug, and they don’t know the motivation behind of rehab industry and don’t allow to implement marketing strategy, you need a result oriented strategy that target your valuable audiences to make their life better. Many organisations have used short-term marketing solutions to get leads like Google paid ads, but this is not an option now due to Google restrictions. You need to build an effective marketing plan to get more business leads.

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An Effective Cryptocurrency Marketing Strategy for 2018

The popularity of the Cryptocurrency and Bitcoins has been increased, and there are lots of companies want to add their name to the list of established ICO companies. A good marketing campaign with the best marketing strategy can enhance the performance of the business, and run an online marketing campaign for Cryptocurrency and Blockchain startups without effective Cryptocurrency marketing strategy are so much risky, and you can’t increase the brand awareness of your business. If you don’t know how to market your coin, here are the best marketing techniques that you can use for your coin:

Social Media Marketing

Social media is a marketing platform where you can distribute any news and post like fire only when you have an effective social media strategy, you can build a community or dedicated pages to target your audiences on several social media channels but you need to careful while running marketing campaign on Facebook because Facebook recently banned all Cryptocurrency related advertising, so you are not able to run paid ads on Facebook, for better result, you can hire ICO marketing agencies or expert to run your campaign.

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Want To Make Your App Viral Follow These Impressive Marketing Strategies

Want To Make Your App Viral? Follow These Impressive Marketing Strategies

So you are done with creating your business app. It is attractive, loaded with useful features and working fine on every device. However, there is a challenge in waiting for you. You now have a herculean task of promoting your app and make people download it.

For the last few years, mobile apps have gained enormous significance thanks to the smartphone revolution. The impact of this revolution is such that mobile apps have become an essential part of our lives. Be it online shopping, ordering food, paying bills, reading books or for that matter conducting a business; apps are indispensable tools today.

This exponential surge in the number of apps has toughened the competition of taking them to the masses like never before. It is of paramount importance for businesses to market and promotes their apps. This has led to the development of creative strategies on the part of app publishers with a sole purpose of making their apps known and downloaded.

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