With an exponential growth of competition on the digital landscape, businesses are increasingly focusing on high quality content to effectively market their brands. Search engines are coming up with advanced algorithms that reward brands which drive huge amount of engagements with relevant and informative content.
In view of this, content curation has become a potent strategy and an integral part of social media marketing. Today, social media channels are a powerful vehicle that draw people’s attention with quality content, which is changing their lives for better. Thus sharing relevant content on social media is at the heart of content curation that factors in a variety of perspectives meant for providing value to the people at large.
What is content curation and why is it important?
To put it simply, content curation is the act of consistently, finding, gathering, organizing, annotating, interpreting, and sharing the most relevant content on a specific topic for the benefit of the people. Content curation is not necessarily content creation. Rather, it’s more of finding high value content pertaining to a specific category and funnelling that information to the readers.