Top 8 Content Curation Strategies for a Successful Social Media Campaign

With an exponential growth of competition on the digital landscape, businesses are increasingly focusing on high quality content to effectively market their brands. Search engines are coming up with advanced algorithms that reward brands which drive huge amount of engagements with relevant and informative content.

In view of this, content curation has become a potent strategy and an integral part of social media marketing. Today, social media channels are a powerful vehicle that draw people’s attention with quality content, which is changing their lives for better. Thus sharing relevant content on social media is at the heart of content curation that factors in a variety of perspectives meant for providing value to the people at large.

What is content curation and why is it important?

To put it simply, content curation is the act of consistently, finding, gathering, organizing, annotating, interpreting, and sharing the most relevant content on a specific topic for the benefit of the people. Content curation is not necessarily content creation. Rather, it’s more of finding high value content pertaining to a specific category and funnelling that information to the readers.

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Essential Tips on How to Improve Website Speed for More Traffic & Conversions

Is your website not getting enough conversions? Have you ever delved deeper into the issue to know the challenge? What impedes the speed of your website?

In this article, we shall attempt to establish a strong link between website speed and resulting conversions. In the world of online business, a website has to pass the checklist of all the possible factors and page speed is one of them.

Internet is increasingly becoming the place where people tend to be less patient and want information with the snap of a finger. They like to get their website loaded as quickly as possible. According to a recent survey, 47% users abandon website that takes more than 3 seconds.

So it’s highly pertinent not to irritate your visitors with a low downloading speed. No matter how good your products or services are if your website speed is not up to the mark, they shall abandon your website right away.

Page speed is the main point of concern for every online business and it will impact search rankings, website traffic, conversion rates and sales. For that, you need to optimize the website speed not only for desktop but for mobile as well. A delay of even 1 second can cost your business several thousand dollars.

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Productivity Tools that Every SEO Team Must Use

As online marketers, we always try to get good results and looks for new marketing tools that enhance the performance of the marketing campaigns and generate the highest ROI. Productivity tools are useful to manage task, role, workflow, track the performance of the marketing campaign and boost team productivity.

If you are part of the marketing agency, IT Services Companies or an in-house marketing team, social media expert, content marketing or SEO, this article will help you to improve your work process; here are most important tools to run a successful digital marketing campaign:

Project & Time Management tools:

Project and time management is the most important for any organization and helps in enhance the productivity and get the best result on time, by using productivity tools, marketing team can improve the workflow and track the status of the work easily and communicate with the team members for work status. Here are some tools that must be used:

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10 Content Marketing Tips for B2C Startups

For most companies, content marketing is an important component in the overall strategy, whether it’s a startup or a large one.

However, getting started with content marketing can seem daunting if you don’t have the bandwidth.

According to Contently, 72 percent of B2C content marketers produced content more than they did a year ago, and this trend is on the rise.

Furthermore, 56 percent of businesses do not own a content marketing strategy, even though it is prioritized with SEO, new customer engagement, and social media.

However, 89 percent of B2C startups say they’re using content marketing, with 70 percent somewhat or very happy with their efforts.

Image source: Content Marketing Institute

Additionally, studies suggest that content marketing saves the company a lot on budget as it costs 62 percent less than traditional marketing, while generating thrice as many leads.

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How Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Improve Your Content Marketing Efforts

This is the year 2019. And if you are an entrepreneur, you most probably have or are trying to have a content marketing strategy with intent to boost your digital marketing efforts.

In simplest terms, content marketing is about creating and delivering high-quality content to educate customers how useful your products are and to help them make informed decisions. An important part of digital marketing, content marketing is one of the most effective and practicable ways of marketing and promotion.

Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Content Marketing

So how do you attract people? In the terminology of content marketing, by creating appealing content with powerful call to action (CTA) pitches. But how do you create the content that appeals to your audience?

One of the many answers to this tricky question is by knowing what exactly your customers want. The use of AI and machine learning certainly brings a load of convenience here.

The advanced AI and machine learning applications have consolidated the idea that machines can learn and think on their own. These technologies indeed are transforming content marketing landscape offering a host of conveniences such as identifying exact audience, increasing engagement, saving cost and many more.

AI and ML help systemize faster and better content marketing campaigns that are bound to give results. Introducing these technologies automates your dashboards and eases a lot of mind-numbing activities, by allowing you to create new and use existing content effectively.

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